Healthy Liver Support

"How I Naturally Overcame My Fatty Liver Symptoms In Just 30 Days, And How You Can Too"

From: Susan Peters 
Author, Reverse Your Fatty Liver

Dear Friend,

If you have an overworked or fatty liver, and are searching for answers, I have some good news…

My name is Susan, I’m a health advocate and medical researcher from Carson City, NV.

And even though I am NOT a medical doctor, I was able to figure out how to overcome my liver condition and heal my body using a 100% natural diet and detox protocol.

I documented the entire process in my bestselling book, Reverse Your Fatty Liver (available on Amazon), which I wrote to share how almost anyone can do what I did, even if you’ve spent years silently suffering, with little or no help.

Because I’m a trained researcher, once I cracked the code, I dedicated my life to learning everything I could about liver function, fatty liver, cleansing, detoxing, and most of all…

How To Rebuild And Repair Damaged Tissue

You see, the liver is one of the very few body parts that can regenerate itself, even after years of abuse and toxic build-up. This unique quality sets the liver apart from the heart, kidneys, and other organs.

Of course, regeneration only possible with the right protocol, which I’ll reveal in a minute, along with a number of important tips to help you feel better if you have an overworked liver, NASH, NAFLD, and even AFLD.

If you were diagnosed, or if someone you love was diagnosed, or even if you just have symptoms and want to feel better, this report is for you.


Topics we are going to cover today:

  • Why are fatty liver cases exploding right now?
  • Why do most people fail to overcome their condition?
  • What are the most important things when it comes to helping your liver?
  • Can you overcome it naturally, without drugs?

Doctors Sound The Alarm On An Increasing Number Of Cases

Just 20 years ago, the number of people with a liver condition was fairly low. There were perhaps a few million total cases in the US.

And while that may seem like a lot, you need to understand that today there are over 100 million cases of fatty liver in North America alone, and as many as 2.2 billion cases worldwide!

The numbers have quite literally exploded in the past two decades, with many people at Stage 2 or greater, all due to several factors…

  • Increasingly toxic environment: Chemicals, pollution, plastics, cleaning products, you name it, your liver is under attack. Even things like sunscreen and scented laundry detergent have toxins that can harm us.
  • Unhealthy fats and processed foods: Even though we know it’s bad, we continue to eat junk that’s filled with bad fats, cheap carbs, MSG, and preservatives, all meant to lower costs, improve shelf-life, and make us addicted.
  • Poisons in our diet: GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, PCBs, heavy metals, and many of the additives in our food are poisoning us from the inside out.
  • Dehydration: Instead of water, people are encouraged to drink soda pop, sports and energy drinks, sweetened fruit juice, and other beverages filled with sugars, salts, preservatives, and artificial flavorings.

The Life-Threatening Consequences Of A Sick Liver!

After getting diagnosed, many people are told that liver issues are very common, which is true. Unfortunately, they think because it’s so common, it’s not dangerous.

But the truth is that fatty liver is one of America’s “silent” killers, right up there with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The symptoms of this disease are serious...

  • Extra weight on your belly, thighs, or hips
  • High cholesterol
  • Upper right shoulder pain
  • You feel sad or depressed all the time
  • High liver enzymes
  • Body odor and excessive sweating
  • You feel tired and sluggish all the time
  • Brain fog and trouble focusing your attention
  • Vision is blurry or sensitive to light
  • Muscles are constantly sore
  • Diarrhea or irregular bowel movements
  • Insulin resistance or diabetes
  • Eyes or skin seem to have a yellowish tinge

Five Steps To A Healthier Liver And A Happier Life

If you have two or more of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have fatty liver or your liver is compromised.

That means all the toxins and dangerous compounds that are supposed to be filtered start spilling out onto your bloodstream, polluting your organs, digestive tract, colon, and eventually, your skin, which creates acne, sores, bruising, liver spots, and other unsightly problems.

And from there, it only goes downhill. You start losing your hair, getting wrinkles, cracked nails, and overall, you start looking old.

Liver issues can easily add a decade or more to your “effective” age and kill off your energy, making it hard to work, play, or even spend time with friends and family.

Even worse though, is what happens on the inside. Contaminated blood pollutes your heart, kidneys, and brain, causing a diabetic response, high cholesterol, liver and kidney damage, not to mention headaches and horrible memory issues.

Of course, these complications get much worse over time, which is why you want to take action immediately once you know there’s a problem. If you are reading this report, you either know or suspect you have an overworked liver and believe it’s creating problems.
Now it’s time to do something about it.

But What Can You Do?

Unfortunately, 9 out of 10 people with liver issues do NOT take the necessary step to get better. And the main reason is that almost nobody, including many doctors, take it seriously enough.

The “official” story is that there’s no cure for fatty liver disease, which means you won’t get much help (or sympathy) from your doctor.

1. When it comes to fatty liver, diabetes, heart problems, and weight issues, many doctors blame the patient, saying they have no self-control or they don’t exercise enough. The fact is though, most doctors refuse to admit how toxic our world has become, or which natural remedies actually work.

2. Misdiagnosis is common. The symptoms and physical ailments caused by fatty liver are so widespread and can appear so unrelated that your doctor may try to treat your SYMPTOMS just to move you through the system (and out of their office). This could even make you much worse because any drug they prescribe is just one more toxin your already struggling liver has to deal with.

3. The information you receive is often generic and useless. That’s what happened to me… My doctor kind of shrugged his shoulders after diagnosing me and handed me a photocopied pamphlet with generic info that wasn’t even specific to my condition. There was nothing about how I got it or how to get rid of it.

Here Is Exactly What To Do If You Have Fatty Liver...

If you suffer from any of those above symptoms, you may have a compromised liver. I recommend five things you should immediately start doing...

1. Take an alcohol break: Relax, you don’t have to quit forever, but you do need to lay off for a few months at a minimum. Alcohol inhibits the part of your liver that’s still functional. It encourages blood-sugar spikes, inflammation, and leads to overall weight gain, not to mention it screws up your sleep and brain function.

2. Reduce sugar consumption: Sugar, candy, soda, baked goods, and processed junk food are bad news. Become obsessive about reading food labels and knowing what you eat, and watch your life transform as you become happier, healthier, and more energetic.

3. Clean up your environment: It’s amazing how many toxins are in our everyday life, without us even thinking about it. Poisons, solvents, harsh cleaners, chemicals, and anything else that can contaminate your liver is dangerous. Make sure to avoid direct exposure and always use proper safety gear at work and when doing hobbies like woodworking.

4. Eat wholesome, nutritious food: We recommend a plan like the Mediterranean Diet or any food program that’s high in fiber and low in sugar. If you do eat carbs, make sure they are from low-sugar fruits, vegetables, and whole healthy (non-wheat) grains, and NOT from processed junk foods or sugary snacks.

5. Detox with the right supplements: You want to supplement your diet with a quality liver formulation like our Healthy Liver Formula, which contains 19 of the most important compounds for cleansing, detoxing, healing, and rebuilding, all in one convenient capsule.

How Bad Does It Have To Get Before You Do Something?

As unbelievable as it seems, some people will read this entire report and do nothing, hoping the problem goes away on its own. Even though they know they could start feeling better in a matter of days.

And make no mistake, this is not something to brush aside or “deal with later.” Liver health affects nearly every part of your body and mind, and you need to take it seriously.

Your protocol needs to be comprehensive and should include dietary changes, movement, stress reduction, and supplements shown to improve liver function, which is why I created Healthy Liver Support

  • It was first formulated in 2018, in our FDA-registered lab in Utah.
  • Contains all the vitamins, herbs, and micro-nutrients necessary to support people with fatty liver.
  • Helps cleanse and detox the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.
  • Helps your liver rebuild and regenerate itself.
  • Produced in limited quantities, not available in stores or on Amazon.
  • Helps with inflammation, right-shoulder pain, and muscle aches.
  • Helps lower liver enzymes.
  • Improves sleep and resting hours.
  • It can even help you lose weight.

Imagine waking up in a great mood, after a good nights sleep, with clear vision, a smile on your face, and an abundance of energy. No stiff joints, no creaking back and neck, no itchy skin. That is what I want for you, and it's what you deserve.

Can I Send You A Bottle?

If you go to our home page, you’ll see that the normal price for this formulation is $59.95 a bottle, which is a great deal considering how well it works. But I have good news for anyone reading this page. I have decided to offer new customers of Healthy Liver Support a 30% discount on your first order plus you get free US shipping on selected shipments.

We deliver this amazing supplement directly to your home by mail anywhere in the world, and there are only a few things we ask in return...


  • You agree to take a short survey to let us know how you liked it.
  • Your order is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and not to resell.
  • You must get this before we run out of stock.

And in case you are wondering, this is a one-time deal, NOT a recurring charge. We will never bill your credit card without your permission.

If that sounds good, then grab this before someone else does! We do not have Healthy Liver Support in sufficient quantities for everyone who needs it, so we strongly recommend you pick up a supply immediately…

Get 30% Off Your First Bottle

If you want the ultimate remedy for fatty liver, I advise you get this while the special offer is available and it’s in stock. You'll be glad you did.

Five Star Customer Reviews

I Feel 100% Better

“I feel 100% better and am ready to put in for the second order.”

– Jean C

20% improvement of my liver condition

‘I have taken this supplement for two months have already had a 20 percent improvement of my liver condition. There is no side effects and your book is a great guide.”

– Joanne B.

Stomach Is No Longer Distended

It was discovered that I had a fatty liver. I adjusted my diet and ordered Healthy Liver Support, which I’m going to reorder. My stomach is no longer distended and feels soft. I’m going to keep doing what I am doing. It works."

– Anita

No Pain, No Inflammation

Thank you for a wonderful product. I am all better now, no pain, no inflammation.

Face Has Cleared Up

“I have been using Healthy Liver Support for almost two months. The biggest thing I have noticed is my face is normally broken out and has cleared up! I think it is helping other areas too, but this is the most significant.”

– Dennis R.

Kept My Liver In Good Shape

“It has kept my liver in good shape for several years.”

– Amanda

Good Product

“Good product, quick service, VERY helpful support staff.”

– Jessie P.

Highly recommend this product

‘I highly recommend this product if you are ever diagnosed with a fatty liver. I am happy I found it before it was too late.”

– Nadia

Results not typical, your experience may vary.

Less Expensive

“I was taking many of the things included in Healthy Liver Support, but separately. Now I can take them all at once and it’s less expensive.”

– Michael K.

Would Recommend To My Friends

“Works great, would recommend to my friends and family. My doctor said whatever I was doing, keep it up.”

– Jessica

My Energy Level Has Increased

“Since I started taking Healthy Liver Support my liver enzymes have lowered, the dark “liver spots” on my skin are fading, I feel better and my energy level has increased. I am very pleased with this product and this positive results I have experienced .”

– Jackie

Liver enzymes were perfect

“My weight, blood pressure and liver enzymes were perfect for a 66 year old man.”

– Kelly W.

Scientific References:

What Does the Liver Do?

Skin manifestations of liver diseases

Free Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant Activities of Silymarin Components

Milk thistle and liver regeneration

When the liver gets fatty

The Liver and Cholesterol: What You Should Know

Dandelion And Liver Health

Information on Detoxification

Liver immunology and its role in inflammation and homeostasis

Turmeric and Liver Health

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Effect of silymarin on biochemical indicators in patients with liver disease

What You Should Know Before Taking Liver Supplements